Buying Fixed Price NFT

When buying an NFT, you can buy it instantly if there are a price for it.

If you're only interested in a single NFT, we recommend the Buy Now flow for the simplest checkout experience — the latter option is better suited to users buying multiple NFTs, spanning multiple collections.

  1. Hit Buy Now to kick off the process.

  1. A modal will appear, asking you to review your purchase. If it all looks good, hit Confirm and Pay to continue.

  1. If you haven't made a purchase on X721 Marketplace website with before, you'll need to enable U2U spending. This transaction will only cost a gas fee, and it ensures U2U can facilitate any future purchases, too (provided you don't revoke the permission).

  2. Finally, you'll be asked to confirm the purchase in your wallet. Do so to finalize the purchase of your new NFT.

Last updated